Information messages
You will receive a State message to your request when you send a Get message or if your Set message has the res_required
flag set to 1. Though typically you would only require acknowledgement from Set messages.
Acknowledgement - Packet 45
This packet is returned when you specify ack_required=1
StateService - Packet 3
This packet is used to tell you what services are available and the port each service is on.
This packet is the reply to the GetService (2) message
StateHostFirmware - Packet 15
This packet will tell you what version of firmware is on the device.
Typically you would use this information along with StateVersion (33) to determine the capabilities of your device as specified in our Product Registry.
The version_major
and version_minor
should be thought of as a pair of (major, minor)
. So say major
is 3
and minor
is 60
, then the version is (3, 60)
. This means that (2, 80)
is considered less than (3, 60)
and (3, 70)
is considered greater.
LIFX products will specify a different major
for each generation of our devices.
This packet is the reply to the GetHostFirmware (14) message
StateWifiInfo - Packet 17
This packet will give you information about the signal strength of the device.
The units of this field varies between different products, You can use the following pseudo code to determine the signal strength of your device.
rssi = int(floor(10 * Log10(signal) + 0.5))
if rssi < 0 or rssi == 200:
if rssi == 200:
status = "No signal"
else if rssi <= -80:
status = "Very bad signal"
else if rssi <= -70:
status = "Somewhat bad signal"
else if rssi <= -60:
status = "Alright signal"
status = "Good signal"
if rssi == 4 or rssi == 5 or rssi == 6:
status = "Very bad signal"
elif rssi >= 7 and rssi <= 11:
status = "Somewhat bad signal"
elif rssi >= 12 and rssi <= 16:
status = "Alright signal";
elif rssi > 16:
status = "Good signal"
status = "No signal"
This packet is the reply to the GetWifiInfo (16) message
StateWifiFirmware - Packet 19
This packet is the reply to the GetWifiFirmware (18) message
StatePower - Packet 22
This packet tells us the current power level of the device. 0
means off and any other value means on. Note that 65535
is full power and during a power transition (i.e. via SetLightPower (117)) the value may be any value between 0
and 65535
This packet is the reply to the GetPower (20) and SetPower (21) messages
level : Uint16The current level of the device's power. |
StateLabel - Packet 25
This packet tells us the label of the device.
This packet is the reply to the GetLabel (23) and SetLabel (24) messages
label : 32 bytes String |
StateVersion - Packet 33
This packet tell us the version of the firmware on the device. This information can be used with our Product Registry to determine what capabilities are supported by the device.
This packet is the reply to the GetVersion (32) message
vendor : Uint32For LIFX products this value is 1 . There may be devices in the future with a different vendor value. |
product : Uint32The product id of the device. The available products can be found in our Product Registry. |
reserved6 : 4 Reserved bytes |
StateInfo - Packet 35
This packet provides information about the device.
This packet is the reply to the GetInfo (34) message
StateLocation - Packet 50
This packet provides the details of the location set on the device.
To determine the label of a location you need to send a GetLocation (48) to all the devices you can find and for each location uuid
determine which label is accompanied by the latest updated_at
This packet is the reply to the GetLocation (48) and SetLocation (49) messages
StateGroup - Packet 53
This packet provides the details of the group set on the device.
To determine the label of a group you need to send a GetGroup (51) to all the devices you can find and for each group uuid
determine which label is accompanied by the latest updated_at
This packet is the reply to the GetGroup (51) and SetGroup (52) messages
EchoResponse - Packet 59
This tells you the same value you specified when you sent an EchoRequest (58) to the device.
echoing : 64 Bytes |
StateUnhandled - Packet 223
For some firmware, this packet is returned when the device receives a packet it does not know how to handle. For now, only the LIFX Switch has this behaviour.
It will return the type of packet it couldn't handle. For example, if you send a GetColor (101) to a LIFX switch, then you would receive one of these with a unhandled_type
of 101.
unhandled_type : Uint16The type of the packet that was ignored. |
LightState - Packet 107
The current visual state of the device and it's label
This packet is the reply to GetColor (101), SetColor (102), SetWaveform (103) and SetWaveformOptional (119) messages
StateLightPower - Packet 118
This says the current power level of the device.
This packet is the reply to the GetLightPower (116) and SetLightPower (117) messages
level : Uint16 |
StateInfrared - Packet 121
This says the current brightness of the infrared output from the device
This packet requires the device has the infrared
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetInfrared (120) and SetInfrared (122) messages
brightness : Uint16The amount of infrared. 0 is no infrared output and 65535 is full infrared output. |
StateHevCycle - Packet 144
This says whether a HEV cycle is running on the device.
This packet requires the device has the hev
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetHevCycle (142) and SetHevCycle (143) messages
duration_s : Uint32The duration, in seconds, this cycle was set to. |
remaining_s : Uint32The duration, in seconds, remaining in this cycle |
last_power : BoolIntThe power state before the HEV cycle started, which will be the power state once the cycle completes. This is only relevant if remaining_s is larger than 0. |
StateHevCycleConfiguration - Packet 147
This packet lets you set default values for a HEV cycle on the device
This packet requires the device has the hev
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetHevCycleConfiguration (145) and SetHevCycleConfiguration (146) messages
indication : BoolIntWhether a short flashing indication is run at the end of an HEV cycle. |
duration_s : Uint32This is the default duration that is used when SetHevCycle (143) is given 0 for duration_s. |
StateLastHevCycleResult - Packet 149
This packet tells you the result of the last HEV cycle that was run
This packet requires the device has the hev
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetLastHevCycleResult (148) message
result : Uint8 using LightLastHevCycleResult EnumAn enum saying whether the last cycle completed or interrupted. |
StateZone - Packet 503
This represents the HSBK value of a single zone on your strip.
This packet requires the device has the Linear Zones
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetColorZones (502) and SetColorZones (501) messages
StateMultiZone - Packet 506
This represents a segment of 8
HSBK values on your strip.
This packet requires the device has the Linear Zones
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetColorZones (502) and SetColorZones (501) messages
StateMultiZoneEffect - Packet 509
This packet tells us what Firmware Effect is current running on the device.
This packet requires the device has the Linear Zones
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetMultiZoneEffect (507) and SetMultiZoneEffect (508) messages
instanceid : Uint32The unique value identifying this effect |
type : Uint8 using MultiZoneEffectType Enum |
reserved6 : 2 Reserved bytes |
speed : Uint32The time it takes for one cycle of the effect in milliseconds |
duration : Uint64The amount of time left in the current effect in nanoseconds |
reserved7 : 4 Reserved bytes |
reserved8 : 4 Reserved bytes |
parameters : 32 BytesThe parameters that was used in the request. |
StateExtendedColorZones - Packet 512
The HSBK values of the zones specified in the request
This packet requires the device has the Extended Linear Zones
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetExtendedColorZones (511) and SetExtendedColorZones (510) messages
zones_count : Uint16The number of zones on your strip |
zone_index : Uint16The first zone represented in the packet. If the light has more than 82 zones, then this property indicates the relative positioning of the colors contained in a given message. |
colors_count : Uint8The number of HSBK values in the colors array that map to zones. |
colors : 82 Color structuresThe HSBK values currently set on each zone. |
StateRPower - Packet 818
Current models of the LIFX switch do not have dimming capability, so the two valid values are 0
for off
and 65535
for on
This packet requires the device has the Relays
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetRPower (816) and SetRPower (817) messages
StateDeviceChain - Packet 702
Information about each device in the chain.
This packet requires the device has the Matrix Zones
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetDeviceChain (701) message
State64 - Packet 711
The current HSBK values of the zones in a single device.
This packet requires the device has the Matrix Zones
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the Get64 (707) and Set64 (715) messages
tile_index : Uint8The index of the device in the chain this packet refers to. This is 0 based starting from the device closest to the controller. |
reserved6 : 1 Reserved bytes |
x : Uint8The x coordinate the colors start from |
y : Uint8The y coordinate the colors start from |
width : Uint8The width of each row |
colors : 64 Color structures |
StateTileEffect - Packet 720
The current Firmware Effect running on the device
This packet requires the device has the Matrix Zones
capability. You may use GetVersion (32), GetHostFirmware (14) and the Product Registry to determine whether your device has this capability
This packet is the reply to the GetTileEffect (718) and SetTileEffect (719) messages
reserved0 : 1 Reserved bytes |
instanceid : Uint32The unique value identifying the request |
type : Uint8 using TileEffectType Enum |
speed : Uint32The time it takes for one cycle in milliseconds. |
duration : Uint64The amount of time left in the current effect in nanoseconds |
reserved1 : 4 Reserved bytes |
reserved2 : 4 Reserved bytes |
skyType : TileEffectSkyType only used on SKY effect |
reserved3 : 3 Reserved bytes |
cloudSaturationMin 1 Bytes only used on SKY effect when using CLOUDS |
reserved4 : 3 Reserved bytes |
cloudSaturationMax 1 Bytes only used on SKY effect when using CLOUDS (recommended default is 180) |
reserved5 : 23 Reserved bytesThis field is currently ignored by all firmware effects. |
palette_count : Uint8The number of colors in the palette that are relevant |
palette : 16 Color structuresThe colors specified for the effect. |
SensorStateAmbientLight - Packet 402
Note: This feature is experimental and potentially subject to change.
This feature is only supported by a limited number of devices.
This packet shows the current levels of ambient light as detected by the target device, and is emitted by a device in response to a [SensorGetAmbientLight (401)](
lux : FloatThe value of the detected light level. If a light is turned on at the time the message is sent, the value will be unreliable and potentially maxed out. For best results, only send this message to devices that are currently "soft off". |
Updated 10 months ago